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UPDATES People's Police Report September 2023 Police Association Compromises, A Little, On Pre-Review of Body Cam Footage
Another good item is that the restriction on pre-review also applies to "Category II" force, which means force that leads to serious injury but not death. Not so good: for levels III and IV (non- serious injury and no injury), supervisors are supposed to get a statement from the officer without recording it, but if they discover the force was actually more serious they DO have to record it. Does this means that Axon has added a time machine to their body cameras that allow the supervisor to start recording 2, 5, 10 or more minutes in the past? The cameras are technically running all the time, but only keep about 30 seconds "buffered" when the record button is pushed. The US Department of Justice has reserved the right to disapprove of the policy if it isn't working out in the 60 day test period. Perhaps officers will refrain from using deadly or excessive force in that time and the policy won't get a full workout right away. Labor Contracts/Budget: Commanders Fix Oversight Oversight, Rank and File Score 43 New Positions In late June, the Portland Police Commanding Officers Association (PPCOA) contract was placed on the City Council agenda. Portland Copwatch noticed several discrepancies between that and the contract signed by the Portland Police Association (PPA) in 2022 (PPR #86). Though somewhat subtle, they would have made it so that only Internal Affairs could review conduct by the Lieutenants in the PPCOA. PCW alerted City Council on Monday, June 26, and by Wednesday at the time of adoption the City and the Association had agreed to make the changes. The City Attorney even expressed thanks for PCW's letter. Score one for the community! Meanwhile, the PPA managed to get City Council to put money for 43 new rank-and-file positions into the 2023-24 budget, even though there are about 100 officers who haven't been able to complete state training because of a backlog at the academy. But rather than wait to see whether those 100 officers can help speed up response times and take care of other concerns, or spend money on humanitarian needs for that matter, Council approved the extra positions. Bonus for the PPA: At the last minute, Council also added $500,000 for overtime in the 2022-23 budget. Police Drones Now Cruising Portland Skies
The officers who constantly talk about being short-staffed and over-worked also produced a short video using the drones that they jokingly referred to as a Wes Anderson movie (PPB Twitter, June 13). They will report to City Council next year to see whether they can extend the one-year pilot program. |
September, 2023
Portland Copwatch Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.
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