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"Independent" Police Review Falls Behind in
While the City awaits the implementation of the new oversight system voted into place in
November, 2020 (above), the current system continues, primarily composed of the "Independent"
Police Review (IPR) processing complaints and its Citizen Review Committee (CRC) handling
appeals. According to the Compliance Officer (COCL)'s report on the first quarter of 2023, IPR
The Compliance Officer indicates that at the end of March, 20% of Internal Affairs investigations and over 60% of IPR's cases had gone past the 180 day deadline. The reasons given included that officers were off on administrative leave and/or cases which got delayed due to officers' lawyers not setting up interviews in a timely manner. The IPR Director's report shows that by June, they had seven open investigations with the oldest one at 342 days. IPR's table of deadly force cases is difficult to parse out. It lists three cases as being in "IA Closure": The September 2021 shooting of Andreas Boinay, the December 2021 shooting of Brandon Keck (both PPR #85), and the February 2022 shooting of Joel Arevalo (PPR #86). Three cases are listed as being at "review level" which may mean they are ready for Police Review Board hearings: The August 2021 shooting of Alexander Tadros (PPR #85), the May 2022 shooting of Matthew Leahey and the July 2022 shooting of Jonathan Worth (both PPR #87). Then there's one case listed as being in "Discipline," which is interesting since officers hardly ever are held accountable for deadly force; this was the December 2021 shooting of Joshua Degerness (PPR #85). Listed as being at "Investigation" or "Detectives" (it's not clear what the difference is) are seven of the remaining incidents (death of Immanueal Clark-Johnson and shooting of Antoine Young in November 2022, shooting of Jeremy Rieck in October 2022--PPR #88; deaths of Aaron Stanton in July 2022--PPR #87 and Jack Watson in April 2023--this issue; and the shootings that did not hit an unknown suspect in July 2022 and Robert Connelly in August 2022-- also PPR #87). The final case was the one where an officer hit Brian Bruman in the head with a rifle in February this year (PPR #89), which is listed as being in "Training," meaning the Training Division is conducting a review. If all that is confusing, be aware that Portland Copwatch has been asking IPR for years to create a key to explain what all these stages mean to make their reports more understandable. CRC Meetings Return, Disappear
While CRC had been meeting sporadically enough to warrant a "partial compliance" rating from the COCL in Q4 2022, they met monthly from January to June, though frequently meetings lasted under an hour. However, they then canceled their July and August meetings as City Code only requires them to meet once per quarter.
to learn about IPR and CRC. |
September, 2023
Portland Copwatch Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.
People's Police Report
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