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City Settles with Four More Protestors for Over
Just in the few months of 2023 so far, the City has paid out over $200,000 for four more cases of
police brutality during the 2020 uprising against racist police violence. Portland Copwatch (PCW)
has been tracking settlements made for protest actions taking place from 2018-2020, with the
These are the four cases that were settled: --On July 4, 2020, Erik Hoofnagle was in a crowd where police were throwing smoking chemical canisters to disperse people. He kicked the canister away from the crowd, took a few steps away, then was shot with "less lethal" munitions multiple times. He said the police action shattered his kneecap. Officer Brent Taylor falsely claimed that Hoofnagle threw the canister at officers to justify the brutal takedown. The City's response was to offer Hoofnagle $75,000 and move on with their lives (January 18). Hoofnagle was also harmed by Multnomah County Sheriff's Sgt. Kyle Smith, resulting in a separate settlement of $5000 from the County. --On August 1, 2020, police clearing protestors from a street shoved Jake Johnson, an independent journalist, into a bush despite his being clearly marked as press. A second Portland officer then slammed him onto a car hood and maced him at close range (U.S. Press Freedom Tracker). The officer was identified as "Officer #6." Community members say #6 is Officer Chuck Elam, who was promoted to Sergeant nine months later. Johnson injured his pinky toe trying to catch his fall after an officer pushed him with a baton. The City paid him $13,750 (February 22). --On June 5, 2020, Dominique Bouchard was shot in the back of the leg with a "less lethal" munition and body-slammed to the ground by the Portland Police, resulting in a fractured wrist. Ms. Bouchard had to have surgery including metal hardware placed into her arm. The officer's name in this incident is not known. The City agreed to pay $55,000 (March 8).
Meanwhile, portions of two federal lawsuits were tossed because Congress created laws limiting whether specific officers can be named in seeking damages. Donovan LaBella, who was hit in the head with a "less lethal" impact round (PPR #84), can still sue in general for the damages (Oregonian, February 15). Mark Pettibone, one of the people who was whisked away from a downtown protest in an unmarked van, and other co-plaintiffs, had their case thrown out on the basis that the officers and supervisor were acting on orders from the President of the United States (Oregonian, February 5). The first case was dismissed by a federal judge in Portland, the second by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
PPB Evicts Family from Hotel, City Pays $15,000 Matthew Lovato and Stacy Carman, a brother and sister, and four children who were living together at a motel in February 2021 got evicted by order of the Portland Police. The law considered them tenants since they'd lived there over six months, but the cops didn't ask. In voting for a $15,000 settlement on April 5, the Mayor talked about how the police are in a tricky situation being asked by a property owner to trespass people, but "the law is the law." An important part of this story: The settlement would have been on the "consent agenda" if Portland Copwatch had not pulled it for discussion, and the Mayor would not have heard the City Attorney admit that no training or policy has occurred for the PPB despite this being flagged as an ongoing problem. |
May, 2023
Portland Copwatch Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.
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