Portland Copwatch was proud to be the main hosting organization for a National Conference on
Accountability, held October 15-17 at Portland State University with support from PSU
Community for Justice. It
was cosponsored by the National Coalition on Police Accountability (NCOPA), which held similar
conferences in
the 1990s (see PPRs #1, 4, 8, 10 &12). The event provided new and informative views on
issues facing
police accountability activists, and the participants left the conference with renewed enthusiasm for
the tasks
About 100 people attended from 10 states and at least 15 cities. Activists, review board members,
survivors and
families of victims, ministers, and even a police officer came. About 20 attendees went for a
walk/rally/vigil which stopped at Portland's City Hall, and at the (in)Justice Center (downtown
police station/jail),
and walked past black-tie guests outside the ballet, who appeared variously amused, confused, or
unmoved by the
lively chants and songs.
In addition to the twelve workshops and the opening night panel, two videos were screened: "Every
Mother's Son"
(by New York film-makers, focusing on the mothers of three police shooting victims) and "These
Streets are
Watching," by Jacob Crawford of Berkeley Copwatch (a training video with clips of Copwatch in
action in three
The following reports are grouped by subject matter.
OPENING PANEL: Portland's Police Problems
The opening panel introduced the conference and gave background on the situation in Portland.
Dan Handelman of
Portland Copwatch described the history of police misconduct over recent decades, including the
rocky history of
the police review board. Macceo Pettis of the Coalition of Black Men talked about the history of
racism in Oregon
reaching back to when it was a Territory and early state laws prohibiting African Americans from
owning land.
![[street roots
November 1
coverage of conference image]](ncopa_streetroots.gif) Morgan Dickerson, also from the Coalition of Black Men,
spoke briefly about
scandals involving Portland Police in the 1980s, including the incident in which officers dumped
dead possums on
the doorstep of a black-owned business, and the death of Tony Stephenson (an African American
security guard
mistaken for a suspect and killed by a police choke hold). Martín Gonzalez of the American Friends
Committee related the story of José Mejía Poot, whose shooting death at the hands
of the police in
a psychiatric hospital in 2001 prompted a number of marches, was tied to the resignation of over
half of the review
board, and helped bring the Black, White, and Latino communities together. Dr. T. Allen Bethel of
the Albina
Ministerial Alliance wrapped up, describing specific actions taken by the AMA's Ad Hoc Coalition
for Community
Justice in the wake of the shootings of unarmed motorists Kendra James and James Jahar Perez in
2003 and 2004.
His examples included a review of the police investigation into James' death and demands for
change presented as
a resolution to Council after Perez's shooting.
The panel on community response to police shootings and deaths in custody featured Michael
Zinzun of the
Coalition Against Police Abuse in Los Angeles, Bishop AA Wells of the AMA Ad Hoc Coalition
and Regina
Cardenas with Justice for Rudy in San Jose.
Zinzun focused on the ideas of calling for independent prosecutors to handle
possible police
crimes, because District Attorneys rely on police in their other cases, and for punitive damages to be
paid by
individual officers. Bishop Wells related the work of the AMA Ad Hoc, noting that credibility
comes from good
work and persistence, not a "gotcha!" attitude. Cardenas, whose father was killed by a California
state drug agent,
made a particularly moving presentation. She shared what a family and a committed community can
achieve under
such horrific circumstances. In particular, their community demanded and was granted an open
grand jury, which
apparently has been done only a few times in California, resulting in an indictment of the officer.
A workshop on racial profiling also included Michael Zinzun and Macceo Pettis (here using his
experience with
the organization Oregon Uniting), adding Dulce Ruelas of the Coalicion de Derechos Humanos
(Coalition for
Human Rights) in Tucson and Sgt. DeLacy Davis, founder of Black Cops Against Police Brutality,
an active duty
police officer in East Orange, NJ. Zinzun related one success that has helped de-escalate police-
confrontations: "Special Order 13," which requires Los Angeles officers at any police stop to give
out their
business card with badge number and supervisor's name. Pettis read excerpts from an Oregon State
study on racial
disparity in the justice system and described programs of Oregon Uniting on cultural competency,
which have been
offered to police on a limited basis. Ruelas described her group's program in which volunteers
explain basic rights
to both documented and undocumented Latinos in Tucson, where border patrol agents often sweep
through bus
stops trying to find people to deport.
Davis spoke about his struggles to speak out even within a department with many Black and Latino
officers. He
was involved in organizing around a major break-through case on racial profiling, where students of
color headed
to a basketball game were shot by New Jersey State Troopers in 1998. That case eventually
uncovered documents
proving that Troopers targeted people for their race.
The presentation on police violence against women of color and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender individuals
began with Remy Kharbanda of Incite! Women of Color Against Violence (Brooklyn, NY) and
Theresa Mitchell,
who does a weekly program on KBOO-90.7 FM in Portland. Kharbanda connected police violence
against women
of color and people in the LGBT community with domestic violence issues, noting that Americans
have come to
depend too much on police for social services. She spoke about how police target certain areas of a
city where they
know people engage in consensual activities just to harass those who aren't straight or white
engaging in such
activities. Mitchell spoke about one transgendered individual who was humiliated and beaten by
Portland police
during an arrest that occurred after a protest against the US war on Iraq in March, 2003. She
educated people about
her own transition and noted that police need a better understanding that changing one's gender is
not a "lifestyle
choice." Andrea Ritchie, also of Incite!, gave a more detailed session later in the day, having been
delayed in transit
to the conference.
Two homeless activists and an attorney spoke about police and homeless communities in a
workshop that raised
questions about legislation and public policy as well as police activity. The attorney, Marc Jolin of
the Oregon Law
Center, noted that much of the time police are following laws that are created specifically to target
the homeless,
such as Portland's anti-camping ordinance (see PPR #22). Bilal Ali of the Los Angeles
Community Action
Network spoke about increasing numbers of such laws, including anti-urination and anti-defecation
laws, as well as
the destructive influence of downtown gentrification pushing police to crack down more on those
who have
nowhere but a cardboard box to call home. Jean Rice of Picture the Homeless described how New
York's housing
law ends up criminalizing those who can't get housing, forcing more women onto the streets and
"destablizing a
generation." On a slightly encouraging note, he reported that an officer was fired after two visitors
to Penn Station
complained that the officer beat a homeless man for mouthing off after being forced to leave; two
other cops
confirmed the story.
A panel focusing on the Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) formed around the country, the
criminalization of
dissent, and several lawsuits dealing with these issues, was titled "Increasing Police Powers and
Attacks on
Activists." Lynne Wilson of the Seattle National Lawyers Guild (NLG) talked about police and
bureaucratic tactics
such as shutting off streets to corral and arrest demonstrators, sending out overwhelming numbers
of officers, and
creating complex requirements for permits as ways to discourage free speech. Paul Loney of
Portland's NLG
spoke about protestors who have been pepper sprayed and beaten at demonstrations in Portland.
The good news,
he noted, is that several laws have been successfully challenged both in County and State court,
including the
recently upheld decision against the "disorderly conduct" law (saying officers had too much leeway
to order a
dispersal and that protestors have the right to "annoy" the public so long as they don't break laws),
and the
similarly broad "interfering with a police officer" ordinance (see PPR #33). Andrea Meyer,
director of the ACLU of Oregon, focused on the JTTF in Portland, which has harassed Arabs and
without cause, including the jailing of Brandon Mayfield under the guise of the "material witness"
law . She also spoke of broadening powers created not only under the USA PATRIOT Act, but also
by the
rewriting of FBI guidelines on investigating religious, social, and political groups.
A workshop on "Tasers, Torture, and Technology" examined the ongoing effects of a police
scandal in Chicago
and the pros and cons of the proliferating police weapon, a stun gun which discharges 50,000 volts
into suspects
. Mary L. Johnson and Mary Powers of Citizens Alert in Chicago brought their
audience up to speed
on the fallout from the case of Chicago's notorious John Burge, a police supervisor who used and
tactics such as applying electrical charges to suspects' genitals and handcuffing them to radiators in
the 1980s and
90s. Recently, numerous incarcerated suspects have been freed, a special prosecutor is working on
charging Burge
criminally, and 108 people who may have been victimized have come forward. Lynne Wilson then
shared some of
her research regarding the 70-plus deaths of people who have been shot with Tasers by police in the
last few years,
noting that many died from positional asphyxia or other factors after being Tased. Wilson spoke in
favor of the
use of Tasers as long as there are strict rules regarding how and when they are used, citing a study
from British
Columbia as the best she has seen. Audience members responded that without formal studies on
long-term effects,
and since police are using the devices for compliance and perhaps for torture, maybe the community
should be
more vocal against their use.
This issue, and the issue of "less lethal weapons" in general, was revisited in a facilitated session on
the last day. In
that session, participants listed weapons including pepper spray, pepper-ball guns, "bean bag"
shotguns, and the
high-power audio "guns" deployed at the Republican National Convention but apparently not used.
It was
generally agreed that just because a weapon is not a gun, the community should not jump to
embrace it as an
alternative to deadly force.
Civilian police review boards, which take many forms around the country, were the topic of another
Panelists Denise Stone, former Vice Chair of Portland's Citizen Review Committee (CRC), and Dan
described the struggle to improve Portland's police oversight system and specific elements which
should be present
for any board to be effective. They also discussed how the city bureaucrats in charge of the CRC
are working to
diminish the importance of the citizens group, leading Stone and four others to resign in 2003. The
Investigator in San Francisco's Office of Citizen Complaints (OCC), Kevin Allen, shared a number
of policy issues
his office has successfully asked the Police Department to adopt, including a crowd control policy
for schools that
differs from that for street demonstrations. The OCC recently gained a little more power after a
successful ballot
initiative gave City Council members other than the Mayor the ability to appoint the Police
Commission, which
oversees both the OCC and the SFPD. Michael Friedman, Chair of the Minneapolis Civilian
Review Authority
(CRA), noted that his city's board, revived in December, 2003 after the City had defunded it, has
sustained at least
one allegation of misconduct in 40 percent of the cases they have heard‹but the police chief has
refused to apply
discipline in any of the cases.
Panelists had different suggestions on how to deal with police unions in a workshop on that topic.
Grinage, of People United for a Better Oakland (PUEBLO) suggested that activists should focus
less on the police
chief and more on the union, since their labor agreements with cities have been used to stymie the
work of police
review boards. On the other hand, Michael Friedman suggested that it wasn't productive to engage
with the unions
but to focus instead on the chief, who in Minneapolis has the actual political power to make change.
He felt that in
reality, when a chief claims he or she can't take action because of a union, it is just an easy "out."
Sgt. Davis spoke
from the perspective of an officer as well as from the perspective of a black man who had recently
been racially
profiled himself while driving his daughter to school. He said he had been excluded from his union
for one year
after he spoke out against a "white male sexist, racist, homophobic" climate in the police force. He
was reinstated
after a lawsuit.
One panel combined the topics of case-based work--such as following up incidents reported on a
hotline and filing
lawsuits--with copwatching, or on-the-street observation of police. Michelle Gross of Communities
United Against
Police Brutality in Minneapolis described several successes resulting from dealing with individual
cases and
bringing the survivors of those incidents on board as new activists for the cause. Blake Horwitz, an
attorney from
Chicago who takes cases all over the country, spoke about how pursuing lawsuits can lead to large
changes, such
as in the Burge torture case, but recognized that such cases are just one piece of a larger puzzle.
Andrea Prichett
and Jacob Crawford of Berkeley Copwatch described how broad-based organizing, looking at the
whole criminal
justice process, questioning assumptions about "the system," and looking for alternatives to the
justice system
worked well for them. They particularly noted that younger people are not necessarily interested in
engaging in
processes that they see as corrupt and ineffective, and spoke about using creativity, art, block parties,
and other
community-building activities to make change.
Unlike the Bush administration's "Faith-Based and Community Initiative," faith-based organizing
against police
accountability brings into focus religious and spiritual leaders' calling to struggle for justice. The
focusing on this aspect of the movement included African American spiritual leaders from three
communities. Rev.
Charles Stovall, of Unified Organizations for Justice in Dallas, talked about bringing groups
together to speak out
against two deaths of two black suspects in two days. He said many community leaders were
cautious of speaking
out because the Mayor, City Manager, and Police Chief were all African American. Yet, by reaching
out to many
groups, including ministerial organizations, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the
NAACP and former
legislators, they were able to focus on the police behavior and note that whatever a victim did in their
past isn't
justification for the police shooting them. Holsey Hickman, also of Dallas, spoke about how police
tried to
persuade pastors involved in dialogue with them about accountability to become snitches on the
community. Gerry
Cunningham of Indianapolis' Church Action for Safe and Just Communities shared his experience
of more black
activists coming out after shootings, even when the victims were white, and how the police oversight
body in
Indianapolis would fire officers for minor infractions but not for brutality or harassment. Rev.
Harriett Walden of
Mothers for Police Accountability described difficulties in keeping the ministers in Seattle on board
for the long
haul, though they did participate in actions that included shutting down the freeway after the
Rodney King verdict
and again after the recent shooting of an African American man accused of stealing groceries. She
noted that the
spirituality of activists transcends religious denominational differences.
One workshop that led to interesting dialogue focused on restorative justice and police
accountability. Arwen Bird
of Crime Survivors for Community Safety, based in Portland, had participants describe what they
restorative justice might mean in this context--and nearly everyone had a different idea. Generally,
they suggested:
justice without vengeance, organizing in communities to diminish reliance on police, or such simple
acts as having
petty criminals return the items they have stolen. Bird described it as a transformative process that
includes the
survivors telling their stories to explain what they need, and to work toward reducing violence.
Activist Joe Bean
Keller of Families Affected by Violence talked about how his search for justice in the case where
Portland Police
shot his son in 1996 (see PPR #9) led him to look holistically at the issue, approaching the
Attorney, the City Attorney, and the Legislature as part of the way to promote a true justice system.
Rev. Walden
talked about educating young people and advocating for them. She noted that Seattle was the only
city to hold off
the so-called "weed and seed" program by questioning the amount of money going to police
technology for
"weeding" out the poor and people of color while "seeding" was not doing anything to empower the
A somewhat informal discussion featured Clare Strawn and Dalton Miller-Jones of PSU
Community for Justice
and Creasie Finney Hairston of the Jane Addams School of Social Work at the University of
talking about how academic communities can become involved in the issue of police violence.
Strawn and Miller-
Jones spoke about the responsibility of an urban university like PSU to become engaged in issues
that matter to
the community, but needing to keep the dialogue somewhat neutral to continue conversations with
both local
organizers and the police. Hairston noted that her work, though mostly focused on prison issues, is
by grassroots activists who are able to bring a more passionate voice to the table when corrections
officials come to
hear her researched, statistical reports. She noted that one corrections chief told her to say more
positive things.
She replied that's not her role, asking, "Is anything that I've said inaccurate?"--the answer was no.
At the end of the conference, Marlene Howell of the Alliance for Police and Community
Accountability led one
group discussion on ways to promote community responsibility while denouncing police
misconduct. Another
group brainstormed ideas to strengthen the national network of NCOPA. A final session shared
these and other
ideas that activists could work on while communicating with our colleagues nationwide and
continuing to act
The conference was covered by KBOO, street roots, The Skanner, and Flying Focus
Collective, but none of the major mainstream media outlets. We were lucky to be in the beautiful,
Native American Student and Community Center at PSU.
Videotapes of the conference will be available in mid-January 2005; five tapes with 9 hours of
information will
cost $60 plus $7 postage (the tapes will also be available individually).
Write Flying Focus, 3439 NE Sandy Bv. PMB #248,
Portland, OR
97232, email or call 503-239-
7456 for more
For other information call Portland Copwatch at 503-236-3065, NCOPA at 312-663-5392,
or visit www.nationalcoalitiononpoliceaccou
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